Jason L. Neff, L.Ac
““I became interested in learning Dermatology because my oldest daughter had struggled with Psoriasis since her early teens. She didn’t react well to steroid creams and immune suppressing drugs seemed extreme. Which left over-the-counter creams and ointments which had little success.” ”
Jason Neff, L.Ac is a specialist in the natural treatment of skin disease and other autoimmune disorders. He finished his formal studies in 2004, at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City. Jason then completed a 4 year classical Taoist apprenticeship. And went on to become faculty at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.
"I became interested in learning Dermatology because my oldest daughter had struggled with Psoriasis since her early teens. She didn’t react well to steroid creams and immune suppressing drugs seemed extreme. Which left over the counter creams and ointments which had little success."
Searching for a way to naturally treat his daughter’s Psoriasis he began studying with Mazin Al Khafaji, a leading expert in Dermatology and Chinese medicine and went on to complete his prestigious dermatology diploma program.
Dermatology in China is considered one of the oldest specialities in the world, existing since at least 300 BCE.
Consider this for the last 2000 years, physicians have been using herbal medicine to treat the majority of skin diseases we know today.
I’ve witnessed:
- Skin that is so itchy that you can’t stop scratchig it till it bleeds become normal skin that free from late night scratching.
- Red faces covered with painful scales become radiant and healthy.
- Dry cracked and irritated arms hidden behind long sleeve shirts become smooth soft skin able to see the sun again.
I love see first hand the body’s amazing healing ability. We photograph every patients skin so you know a treatment is working.
Jason Neff, L.Ac. currently practices out of his office Phoenix Acupuncture in South Orange NJ. Near Seaton Hall university. About 20 minutes drive from Newark Airport. When not seeing patients, studying or giving talks, Jason Neff, L.Ac. can be found playing guitar, doing martial arts, practicing qigong or spending time with his wife, and four children.