Our Approach
We utilize a holistic synergistic approch that incorporates herbal therapy, external skincare, acupuncture and qigong. Our patients get great results utiilizing our herbal formulas and skin care products but the most profound effects when combining all of the methods!
Herbal Therpy
Chinese Herbal therapy is one of the most sophisticated forms of natural medicine in the world. Many chronic skin conditions can be effectively treated with this natural and safe approach. In China It is used extensively in clinics and hospitals alongside Western medicine and considerable research has been conducted demonstrating its efficacy in the treatments of skin conditions. We are happy to bring this medicine to our area of New Jersey.
We custom tailor each herbal formula based upon a complete diagnosis of each patient. This allows for a subtle but powerfully effective form of treatment with minimal side-effects
All of our herbs are Medical Grade (think organic and then go several steps higher), and many are sourced directly from farmers and third-party quality tested. Our formulas are in a ready made liquid form and shipped directly to you in sealed, easy-to-use pouches. They are prepared in a state of the art facility using a high pressure and temperature-controlled decoction method. This is the same cutting edge method used in Chinese hospitals. It extracts much higher proportions of the active ingredients and makes taking your herbal prescription more effective, convenient and palatable for Western tastes.
Skincare Products
We use Dermatology M an exclusive range of carefully designed skincare creams, ointments and tinctures, developed by world-renowned dermatologist Mazin Al-Khafaji.
Our topical products are designed for skin conditions including Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Fungal Infection and Rosacea and should be used in addition to internal herbal therapy.
Each product is formulated from herbal ingredients known to improve the condition of skin, they are made in small batches, using organic ingredients wherever possible. Our products do not contain artificial colours or preservatives, petrochemical substances or steroids.
Acupuncture is often used in conjunction with our herbal formulas. It is best used when skin conditions are aggravated by stress. When used correctly acupuncture creates a sense of deep relaxation and peacefulness that adjusts the nervous system and stimulates a healing response
Qigong is the best investment you can make in your health. Simple and slow movements create a profound change in your body. They regulate your lympatic, endocrine, cardiovasular and nervous system. Done consitently it can restore youthful vitality and slow and reverse the aging process. When combined with the other healing modalities. Treatment results are acclerated and long term health is acheieved.